SOSVV in the News
“A Hazy Future”, Will Matuska. Boulder Weekly, October 5, 2022.
“Cemex Cement Plant In Lyons Is Seeking A 15 Year Extension Of Its Permit & Encountering Resistance From Local Residents” - KGNU (August 16, 2022)
“Boulder County cement plant neighbors say proposed pact is rushed, too easy on pollution” - Colorado Sun (June 30, 2022)
“Colorado Court of Appeals Rules in Favor of Gravel Mining Foes about a Hygiene Site,” Fryar, John. Daily Camera, April 15, 2021.
“CEMEX, Boulder County Health Officials In Talks To Reduce Dust Clouds At Lyons Plant,” John Marinelli, Times-Call, October 4, 2019.
“Boulder County Group Sounds Alarm on Cement Plant in Lyons,” 4CBS Denver News, October 5, 2019.
“Boulder Judge’s Ruling Awaited on Challenge to Mining Permit: Planned Martin Marietta project contested by activists,” Charlie Brennan, Daily Camera, May 15, 2019.
“Use of Land pdf file,” Diane Bergstrom, Highlander Monthly, May 2019.
Maeve Conran interviews Amanda Dumenigo, SOSVV Chair, Morning Magazine, KGNU, February 4, 2019
Maeve Conran interviews Amanda Dumenigo, SOSVV Chair, Morning Magazine, KGNU, September 2018.
“Industrial gravel mining in Boulder County clears hurdle,” Matt Cortina, Boulder Weekly, August 2, 2018.
“Boulder County Board of Adjustment shoots down appeal to invalidate gravel mine permit,” John Bear, Daily Camera, July 25, 2018. Also published in the Times-Call on July 25, 2018.
Maeve Conran interviews Amanda Dumenigo, SOSvv Chair, Morning Magazine, KGNU, July 23, 2018.
“The Lyons Pits fights to save the St. Vrain River Valley from Martin Marietta’s proposed mining,” Amanda Dumenigo, Redstone Review, July/August 2018, p. 10.
“St. Vrain Valley activists appeal decision supporting 1998 mining permit’s validity,” Charlie Brennan, Daily Camera, May 17, 2018.
“Boulder County’s 1998 approval of gravel mining east of Lyons is still in effect, land use director says,” John Fryar, Daily Camera, April 11, 2018. Also published in the Times-Call on April 11, 2018.
“Numerology: It Starts at Home“, Doug Schnitzpahn, Elevation Outdoor Magazine, February 27, 2018.
“Save the Preble’s meadow jumping mouse from Martin Marietta’s industrial gravel mine,” Amanda Dumenigo, Redstone Review, Sept/Oct 2017.
“Richard Cargill: Mining the St. Vrain Valley enhances flood risk,” Letter to the Editor, The Times Call, September 1, 2017.
Jennifer Mornan interviews Amanda Dumenigo, SOSVV Chairperson, WomynAir, KGNU, June 26, 2017.
“Concerns over eagle’s nest, mining proposal in Boulder County,” Nelson Garcia, KUSA/9 News, June 02, 2017.
“Lisa Rollo: A land-use vision gone wrong,” Letter to the Editor, Daily Camera, June 2, 2017. Also published in the Times-Call on June 2, 2017.
“Mine! All Mine!,” by Philip Armour, Elevation Outdoors Magazine, May 31, 2017.
“Richard Cargill: Guest Editorial,” Redstone Review, April/May 2017.
“William Berg: St. Vrain Valley gravel mining carries groundwater risks,” Guest Opinion, Daily Camera, March 30, 2017.
“Battle Brews Over Gravel Mining Eyed for Boulder County ‘Gemstone’,” Daily Camera, March 25, 2017. Also published in the Times-Call on March 25, 2017
Our Key Issues in the News
“Cement plant at Lyons faced Colorado air pollution fines, new probe” - The Colorado Sun (September 12, 2023)
“Finishing the job” - Boulder Weekly (March 9, 2023)
“Superior Board of Trustees supports Good Neighbors of Lyons” - Daily Camera (February 17, 2023)
“Boulder cement plant critics call for compliance or closure” - 9News (February 6, 2023)
“Can Colorado activists win a second battle to shut down the Cemex cement plant in Boulder County?” - Colorado Sun (February 6, 2023)
“Boulder County Commissioners vote against mining extension for Cemex, blowing up deal for open space” - Colorado Sun (September 29, 2022)
“County commissioners deny CEMEX's mining extension proposal” - Yahoo! News (September 29, 2022)
“Mining contract extension upsets Boulder County Residents” - 9News (September 13, 2022)
“Boulder County planning board votes against 15-year extension for CEMEX mine, cement plant” - Colorado Sun (September 2, 2022)
“Boulder County Planning Commission denies CEMEX’s 15-year mining application” - Daily Camera (September 2, 2022)
“Another CEMEX Application Hearing in Front of Boulder Commissioners” - KGNU (August 31, 2022)
“Boulder County Planning Commission tables CEMEX mining application” - Daily Camera (August 18, 2022)
“Boulder County planners delay vote on 15-year extension for much-maligned Cemex” - Colorado Sun (August 18, 2022)
“Lyons gets short extension to pitch alternatives to Boulder County’s CEMEX deal” - Colorado Sun (July 8th, 2022)
“Boulder County cement plant neighbors say proposed pact is rushed, too easy on pollution” - Colorado Sun (June 30, 2022)
“Advisory Committee member describes CEMEX mining extension application ‘binary’” - Daily Camera (June 23, 2022)
“Lyons Town Board says no to serving on Cemex community committee” - Longmont Times Call (June 22, 2022)
“Boulder County has choices to make about smokestacks, a quarry and open space. Which way will they go?” - Colorado Sun (June 16, 2022)
“Boulder County residents express concerns about CEMEX’s mining request, call process rushed” - Longmont Times Call (June 9, 2022)
“Concerned neighbors to host three meetings Thursday about CEMEX’s mining plans” - Longmont Times Call (June 8, 2022)
“A tenacious bald eagle in Frederick illustrates wildlife’s fight to survive along Colorado’s increasingly developed Front Range,” Bruce Finley, The Denver Post, March 10, 2019.
“Dust in the Wind: Cement plant north of Boulder faces state penalties, federal inspectors, and the wrath of a whistleblower,” Pamela White, Boulder Weekly, November 20, 2003. From the archives for history on Cemex’s activities.
“Upset over Cemex plant,” Todd Neff, Daily Camera, December 4, 2005. From the archives for history on Cemex’s activities.