Get Involved!
Support the ongoing legal efforts to uphold Boulder County’s termination of CEMEX’s right to operate.
CEMEX is challenging Boulder County’s April decision to terminate its right to operate the Lyons cement plant due to violations of its nonconforming use, and has submitted new evidence, including a new traffic study, in an attempt to reverse Land Use's determination. SOSVV, in collaboration with Good Neighbors of Lyons, is fighting to uphold the termination of the cement plant, and prevent the largest CO2 emitter in Boulder County from operating indefinitely, as it has threatened to do.
Your contribution to SOSVV will directly support ongoing legal and advocacy efforts to uphold Boulder County’s termination of CEMEX’s right to operate, and to prevent future industrial threats to the Saint Vrain Valley.
If You See Something (Dust or Particulate Matter), PLEASE Say Something!
As we continue to wait on CDPHE’s response to our requested modifications in CEMEX’s Title V permit, we need more evidence that the decades-long problems regarding the plant’s inability to prevent fugitive dust events is continuing despite the significant financial penalty recently levied.
What Kind of Evidence? Photos, videos, and even a simple written log of any witnessed dust events would be immensely helpful. We just need the date of the incident, the time you saw it, how long you observed it (it’s totally fine if it was a quick look as you drove by), and anything you can note about wind speed, wind direction, or any other details of note.
Who Should You Notify? You can email anything you see to; Good Neighbors of Lyons will share what you saw with the appropriate County and State departments.
Why is This Important? Because we want CHANGE. Fines have proven to be ineffective in securing CEMEX’s compliance. Widespread community documentation will send a very needed message to the state that the problems are continuing and we need meaningful changes to improve the plant’s compliance. Also, it is community documentation of these dust events that played a very significant role in CEMEX’s recent $1.39M fine.
What Kind of Dust/Particulate Matter Are We Looking For? Here is a link to some photos of previously documented fugitive dust incidents. On windy days we often see dust originating from the stockpiles behind the plant blowing off property - these are particularly important to document as that is more than likely Cement Kiln Dust (CKD) that is blowing, which is highly toxic. There are also often dust clouds/particulate matter that originate from the plant itself during business activities like off loading the sweeper or loading the lime silo that appear more like a foggy haze. If you happen to be near the plant during golden hour, the light often catches all the particulate matter hanging in the air, which is very helpful to document as well. But when in doubt, please just send it in anyway. Everything helps.
Subscribe to emails from us and our friends, Good Neighbors of Lyons, so you’re always in the loop when we need your voice!
SOSVV’s Objectives:
Built in 1969, the CEMEX Lyons plant has been largely permitted with (grandfathered) 1960s air quality standards. In short, we want to modernize what is expected of CEMEX. CEMEX’s Title V (Air Quality) Operating Permit covers:
How CEMEX’s emissions are being monitored (which is currently sporadic at best, and often self-reported),
What compliance standards they are held to (which currently allows for very generous emissions, and also includes many ambiguities that create loopholes for non-compliance), and
Consequences for non-compliance (which has historically NOT been prescriptive; this has essentially allowed CEMEX to pay to pollute without ever correcting root causes for violations).

We advocate for the environmental protection and conservation of the geologically unique and historic Saint Vrain Valley and its healthy development for residents, wildlife, visitors, and future generations.
We need help with a variety of activities, such as community outreach and engagement, fundraising, and research. Are you able to volunteer a few hours a month to SOSVV?
Your support of SOSVV’s relentless work to protect and preserve the St. Vrain Valley–the least developed river valley in the Front Range–is the key to reaching our goals.
Help spread the word!
SOSVV Yard Signs and T-Shirts are available for a suggested donation is $25 each (more is welcome!)
100% of the proceeds go toward direct costs for our work (printing, mailings, legal counsel, etc.).
Each sign measures 18” x 24” with a ground stake.
Get yours at:
- The Mountain Fountain in Hygiene (17th & 75th),
- Redstone Liquor in Lyons (138 Main St.), or
- Cheese Importers in Longmont (103 Main St.).
Local news publications make a huge difference in getting people involved. Are we working on something important to you? Please consider writing a Letter to the Editor!
Daily Camera (300-word limit; full policies here):
Redstone Review (contact about policy):
Times-Call (300-word limit; full policies here):
Boulder Weekly (400-word limit, full policies here):